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# 10onthetenth UPDATE: Every bedroom in your home should have a smoke alarm! You want to "hear the beep where you sleep!"

Stay tuned for more information on # smokealarms in the bedroom as we look forward to this year's Fire Prevention Week.

Congratulations to our winners: Kelly F., Barbara M., Thearry L., Selina S., Joasia L., Gay A., John M., Amanda L., Ravyn J., Licia M. We've replied to you in the comment section of the question - please private message us! Dorris Wedding garments to wear that looks sexy in the cocktail # hearthebeepwhereyousleep # FPW2015

Smoke Alarms: Where You Sleep Give your family a chance to survive in the event of a fire- install smoke alarms. We won't rest until you install and test! The Surrey Fire Service would

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